A Digitalized Mosque Maintenance Management In Public University

A remodeling of the as-built using laser scanning technology to overcome the issue of inaccurate as-built drawing, and some missing sections of the as-built. The construction phase had several issues and while the mosque finally completed, it was not documented properly.

The use of laser scans and BIM-enabled 3D data capture ensures that the building is accurately recorded. The information available ensures that the structure's maintenance is adequately managed and strategized.

Central Business District Digital Operation

A smart and sustainable digital facilities management consultation for a property and real estate company located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We assisted them in digitalising their facilities management to automate their traditional operations while reducing their resources. Using a data-driven strategy, we were able to assist the client in increasing the efficiency of their service team without incurring any more expenses or resources.

To assist the client with their unsold properties, we created a virtual open offices environment that allow their prospects to virtually visit and inspect the properties during the pandemic without physical interaction. Furthermore, the virtual open offices environment that we have designed is linked to innovative tools like online measuring and virtual reality to provide prospects with an enhanced experience during the virtual tour and inspection of the properties.